Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Faces of La Democracia - Part One

When we arrived at La Democracia School today, a sea of smiling faces atop blue and white gingham checked uniform shirts greeted us. Words to describe the village students' faces are bright, smiling, curious, and happy. What started as curious observation soon became enthusiastic assistance. They couldn't wait to help, talk, or play; however, when the school bell rang, they quickly ran to class. We worked for about two hours while they were having class. Their voices drifted out to our work site, keeping time with our tools. The minute the bell rang to let them out of class for a break, out they were ready to help and play again. The highlight of my day was watching Mr. Corzine help child after child after child jump high into the air. Squeals of delight came from the smallest students of the school as he swung them high into the air as only a man with a height of 6' 5" and a heart 100 times bigger than that can do. Two kids became four until--well, you get the picture. This activity was undertaken after he had dug holes for the playground slide, so needless to say, he was utterly exhausted. You'd never know it from the smile on his face!

- Ruby Cortner

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